7 Common “Facts” About Sexual Assault That Are Totally Wrong


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Sexual Assaults in Charleston are far more prevalent than many people think, and there is a lot of misinformation about what truly constitutes as assault. Here's a look at seven things that people commonly repeat as fact, but are actually completely false.

  1. There Aren't Many Sexual Offenders in Charleston

According to City Data, there are 408 known and registered sex offenders within the city. That puts the ratio at one offender per every 308 residents, which means you're likely crossing paths with at least one every single day. Because these types of crimes are highly underreported, the number of unregistered offenders is likely to be well over 1,000.

  1. Rape is Uncommon in Charleston

In the last reporting year, there was one rape reported approximately every 19 days. However, studies also show that only 32% of rapes are ever reported, so it's likely one person is attacked about every 6 days.

  1. An Attacker Can't Be Brought to Justice if the Act was Not Completed

Sexual assault is a broad term, which encompasses many offenses. Certain forms of harassment or unwanted touching can all fall under the same umbrella. While the consequences are lesser if an actual rape doesn't occur, penetration isn't necessary for charges to be pressed.

  1. If You've Had Consensual Relations with Someone, You Can't Press Charges for a Nonconsensual Incident

The law doesn't differentiate whether a victim has never met her attacker, or if she's known him her whole life. A person can seek justice even if the offender is a spouse, though there are more specific terms for assault committed by a marital partner.

  1. If the Victim Has No Memory of the Attack, it Can't Be Proven

Much of the time, these situations are referred to as "date rape," and the victim knows the perpetrator. If a victim was asleep, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or was drugged, she may not have any memory of the event itself. If you believe this has happened to you, seek medical attention immediately. Doctors will be able to collect evidence that can help prove what occurred, though the window closes quickly.

  1. If a Person Doesn't Physically Fight of a Perpetrator, No Attack Happened

Regardless of the type of assault, a victim does not need to attempt to fend off the attack. Situations where groping or fondling can occur in an instant, leaving no opportunity to protest. In more serious cases, a victim may fear for her life or safety, and fighting off an attacker can be deadly. Simply saying "No," or "Stop," a single time is enough. Equally, victims who are unable to consent do not need to have protested at all.

  1. Men Can't Be Raped

Between 1995 and 2010, approximately 9% and rape and sexual abuse or assault victims were men. Victims can be of any gender, age, race, or background.

Charleston Sexual Assault Attorney

If you have been hurt by someone, or have reason to believe someone assaulted you while you were incapacitated, please get medical attention first. Doctors can take action to protect your long-term health, and can also gather evidence to prove your case early on. After your immediate health needs are seen to, an attorney can help you piece together a case so the courts can protect you, and possibly provide you with a settlement for your expenses, losses, pain, and suffering. Your case may help bring your attacker to justice, provide you with closure, and protect others from becoming victims. Our attorneys understand what a difficult time this is for you, and we will handle your case with discretion and compassion. For a no-obligation consultation, please contact us at 1(800)610-2546.

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